ORCHARD & GARDENS- A taste of local heritage
Enjoy rows of bountiful blooms of rare selections that highlight the season's splendor.
Our focus on purely heirloom and organically grown varieties of vegetables, supports the most nutrient rich foods for your table.

Regenerative Agriculture meets Artisan food production
As we continue to cultivate our living agricultural history of apple orcharding, the process of transitioning to regenerative growing preserves our regional farmland with the benefit of producing the most nutrient rich foods for all of us. As we apply our labor to the land, we keep in mind the anatomy of a garden. Protecting the soil with cover crops and little disturbance allows microorganisms to flourish below the surface, feeding root systems. Incorporating diverse plant life to reduce disease and attract beneficials, the way nature intended. Being mindful of our agricultural practices and growing organically, to help serve our community quality food. The balanced relationship between healthy farmland and the people it feeds is struck by these considered methods and we believe they will make for a nourishing ecosystem.